Affichage des articles du 2016Tout afficher
ORA-10979: trace flags for join index implementation
ORA-31515: CDC change source string already exists
ORA-16801: redo transport-related property is inconsistent with database setting
ORA-38430: Operation "string" not supported in the current release.
ORA-07270: spalck: setitimer error, unable to set interval timer.
DGM-16979: Unable to log on to the primary or standby database as SYSDBA
ORA-22316: input type is not a collection type
ORA-38489: predicate table creation failed due to: ORAstring
ORA-19921: maximum number of string rows exceeded
 ORA-12919: Can not drop the default permanent tablespace
DRG-10500: CREATE_INDEX failed: column spec string
ORA-24181: The type string does not exist
ORA-25118: invalid DUMP DATAFILE/TEMPFILE option
ORA-09870 to ORA-12100 7-29
ORA-01624: log string needed for crash recovery of instance string (thread string)
ORA-24333: zero iteration count
ORA-12500 to ORA-12699 12-7
ORA-08313: sllfop: could not allocate buffers
ORA-32696: HTI: No free slot
ORA-26695: error on call to string: return code string
ORA-18015: invalid source outline signature
ORA-24312: illegal parameters specified for allocating user memory
ORA-12003: materialized view "string"."string" does not exist
ORA-21605: property [string] is not a property of value instances
RMAN-06900: WARNING: unable to generate V$RMAN_STATUS or V$RMAN_
RMAN-06007: target database not mounted and db_name not set in init.ora
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